Adobe + Omniture = …what?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By now, almost 12 hours after the announcement, you’ll have heard the news that Adobe is to buy Omniture for $1.8bn. If you haven’t heard, then, I mean, duh. It’s all over Twitter, dude: (As an aside, the guys at Omniture should be proud of themselves that they managed to beat out Joe Wilson as … Read more

My face, on the Internet

Reading Time: < 1 minute

I have just noticed (rather belatedly, to say the least) that Laura Lee Dooley has posted a complete video of my encounter with Avinash Kaushik at the May E-metrics Summit in San Jose on Vimeo. The sound quality is a little poor, but you can more or less follow the thread of the conversation. I … Read more

Does Display help Search? Or does Search help Display?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

One of the topics that we didn’t get quite enough time to cover in detail in my face-off with Avinash Kaushik at last week’s eMetrics Summit (of which more in another post) was the thorny issue of conversion attribution. When I asked Avinash about it, he made the sensible point that trying to correctly “attribute” … Read more

What would you like to ask Avinash Kaushik?

Reading Time: < 1 minute

The gloves will be tied tight. Brightly colored silk dressing gowns will be shrugged to the floor; gum-shields inserted. In the blue corner: yours truly. In the red (and blue, yellow and green) corner, web analytics heavyweight, Avinash Kaushik. As the crowd bays for blood, battle will be joined. The Garden never saw anything like … Read more

Google adds rank information to referral URLs

Reading Time: 2 minutes

An interesting post on the official Google Analytics blog from Brett Crosby appeared last week, in which he announced that Google is to start introducing a new URL format in its referring click-through URLs for organic (i.e. non-paid) results. From Brett’s post: Starting this week, you may start seeing a new referring URL format for … Read more

In New York on March 30? Drop by

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Curmudgeonly hermit that I am, I don’t often leave my Pacific Northwest aerie and venture out into the wider world (unless you count the Eastside as the wider world, which I don’t). But next Monday, March 30, New York City will be blessed by my mysterious presence, as I participate in a panel at the … Read more

adCenter Analytics beta closing: Goodbye, Gatineau

Reading Time: < 1 minute

If you’re an adCenter Analytics (ACA) beta customer, or you’ve read my colleague Mel’s posting over on the adCenter Community site, you’ll know that we’ve decided to close the ACA beta program at the end of the year. In some senses, this is a sad day for me, since ACA (then known as Gatineau) was … Read more

Expert help for my new job

Reading Time: < 1 minute

My new job is going splendidly so far, thanks for asking – and I’m already busy enough to have to be making excuses about a lack of posts. But how could I hope to succeed without the excellent advice of some of the finest minds in technology and business? First, xkcd offers a helpful primer … Read more

A new new job

Reading Time: < 1 minute

I have exciting (for me) news to share with you today – I have a new job, with the somewhat tongue-twisting title of Director of Yield Business Intelligence Product Management. I know, cool, huh? In case you’re left a little non-plussed by precisely what Yield Business Intelligence is, let me enlighten you: I’m in charge … Read more